2008年3月31日 星期一

B2C Schedule of April

The schedule of April is listed below
( the material we use now is "the Word to the Wise= Proverbs" , published by

  1. April 2 , Chapter 8 = Trusting and Obeying
  2. April 9 , Chapter 5 = Jealousy
  3. April 16 , Chapter 7 = Poverty and Wealth
  4. April 23 , Chapter 6 = Speech
  5. April 30 , Chapter 4 = Parents and Children
You are welcome to join us on Wednesday nights .
We meet at the coffee shop named "Gilga" on the first floor of CTS Building
華視大樓一樓 "吉甲地餐廳" 每週三晚上7:30

The address& phone no. of our church (02)27219954
-Church in the River of Life -生命河基督教會
No.102, Guangfu S. Rd., Xinyi District, Taipei City110
台北市光復南路102號B1 ( 華視大樓地下室 )

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