2008年3月27日 星期四

Feeback of March

Post from Esther,

Dear all,
It has been three weeks we shared about "Proverbs" together, I really enjoyed the time we had. Every Wednesday night, my way home became shorter, because I still thought about God's words while the bus was moving.
God's words are always powerful, every words will directly go to your heart. And you will know God's everlasting love and His words are true.
I want to share you about a familar story on Bible. ^^
It's about Moses. When God talked to Moses on the Horeb mountain, God told him His will and sent him to bring Israelites out of Egypt.
After God had answered all of the questions Moses asked, Moses said"O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue."
God said to him,"Who gave man his mouth? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."
But Moses said,"O Lord, please send someone else to do it."
The Lord's anger burned against Moses.
(The story just stop here.)

It's really interesting because we are reading the Bible, so we all know what's happening in the future.
Moses and his brother Aaron successful brought the Isaelites out of Egypy at the end, but I think when God called him, he had no faith. Only by the power and comfort of God, he could face the mission impossible.
I believe that all of us are history makers, we are the people who write stories. When God call us, we may not know what's happening next, but we can also do the great things for our father God.
For the past three weeks, we've discussed about wisdom, reverence and anger. I learned a lot from the Bible and the conversation we had. I am looking forward to every Wednesday night, I really enjoy the time.
Those who are interesting in our group and want to know more about God can come and join us.
If you are the one I just mentioned, you are SOOOO welcomed!!!


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